A book without a website is...well, a book without a voice. Book marketing is integrally tied to the web - it's how nearly EVERYONE searches for information, as well as books on a specific interest and topic. For your book to succeed you MUST have a website as part of your book marketing efforts.
In this age of social media, a website is more important than ever. Websites play a vital role in the way readers discover new books. An author's Facebook and Twitter accounts must have a 'base' from which interested readers can discover more about the book and the author. A website can provide a high-ranking natural listing in Google when the author's name or book title is searched. This simple fact alone would be enough reason to create a website. A website provides an author with a static platform from which targeted, effective messages can be crafted and delivered.
Dog Ear created this website design as the premier book-selling tool for self published authors. Discover for yourself how Book-O-Mart adds bigger profits, greater control, and more satisfaction with each and every sale of your book. This is the type of website included in our Pro-Digital, Masterpiece, and Ultimate Publishing Packages.
Example Book-O-Mart websites:
Dog Ear Publishing's basic author websites include all the important information about the book and the author. Our sites also include a professional-grade content management system (CMS) so that authors have access to updating the site's content.
Example Standard websites:
Coming soon...
The Open-For-Business website is a single-page storefront site with a higher-profit author shopping cart (when compared to standard distribution sales).
Example Open-For-Business websites:
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